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Ah 是什麼意思

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Ah 是什麼意思


啊! 呀! 噯! (表現痛苦、 感歎、驚奇、憐惜、厭棄、歡喜等) Ah! I told you so! 唉! 我早告訴過你了!

  1. Ah, half - time. (啊,上半場時間到了。)
  2. Ah, there he is! (啊!他在那邊!)
  3. Ah, there it is. (啊,就在哪兒。)
  4. Ah, here we are. (啊,在這裏。)
  5. Ah, here you are. (來,您拿著。)
  6. Ah, there you are. (啊,原來你在這兒。)
  7. Ah well, never mind. (啊,好啦,沒什麼。)
  8. Ah, that accounts for it! (啊,原來如此!)
  9. Ah, they are tuning up. (他們正在調音。)
  10. Ah, here comes Peking duck! (啊!上北京烤鴨了!)
  • Keywords : there, 原來, 驚奇, 這兒, 調音, 表現痛苦, 歡喜, 憐惜, 感歎, 您拿, 好啦, 哪兒, 厭棄, 上半場, 上北京烤鴨, tuning, never, comes, accounts, Peking
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